** Attachment added: "AptOrdering.txt"
** Attachment added: "Dependencies.txt"
** Attachment added: "Dmesg.txt"
** Attachment
Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: grub
update-manager is asking me (in expanded terminal window) if i want to
let it create the menu.lst for me. as far as i know menu.lst was for the
old 1.x grub while i'm using grub2, which is probably the reason why it
has to create it (i don't have it)
Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: gnome-system-monitor
on the network tab the translation for total received data is "Totele
ricevuti", while it should be "Totale ricevuti"
** Affects: gnome-system-monitor (Ubuntu)
Importance: Undecided
Status: New
italian translation