Exatly what information?
This bug was caused because the package python-formencode did not depend
upon the package python-pkg-resources in hardy, but python-pkg-resources
is needed to the proper use of python-formencode. In intrepid, python-
pkg-resources were installed by default for some reason,
I tried it on intrepid, and the error does not occur anymore. It seems
the python-pkg-resources is installed by default in intrepid, but is not
an dependency to python-formencode. Anyway, it worked fine.
python-formencode should depend on python-pkg-resources
Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: python-formencode
When trying to use/import the Python formencode module from the package
python-formencode 0.7.1-2 without the package python-pkg-resources
installed, I've got the following exception:
>>> import formencode
Traceback (most recent call la