[UAI] CfP: EPIA2023: Track - AI, Generation and Creativity, Sep 5-8, Faial Island, Portugal

2023-03-15 Thread Maria Hedblom
*(Apologies for potential cross-posting)* EPIA 2023 Faial Island, Portugal, September 5-8, 2023 CfP Thematic Track on AI, Generation and Creativity https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fepia2023.inesctec.pt%2F%3Fpage_id%3D620&data=05%7C01%7Cuai%40engr.orst.edu%7Cd6829db3

[UAI] Postdoc position at Columbia University in Generalization and Causal Inference in Healthcare

2023-03-15 Thread Joshi, Shalmali D.
Shalmali Joshi and NoƩmie Elhadad are seeking a postdoctoral researcher with a strong background in Machine Learning to conduct cutting edge research to develop new methods and a foundational understanding for generalization, transfer learning and/or domain adaptation for healthcare applications