Dear AI enthusiast/scientist/engineer/student,
Prof. Ioannis Pitas, a prominent AI researcher internationally (IEEE fellow,
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, EURASIP fellow, chair of the International AI
Doctoral Academy), will deliver the e-lecture:
"Social Impact of AI Science and Engineering: I
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* Published in IEEE Xplore
* Google Scholar H5-Index = 22
-- Doctoral Symposium of CISTI'2023
CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
20 - 23 of June 2023, University of Aveiro
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The IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2023), 19–21
June 2023, O
DeepLearn 2023 Winter
Bournemouth, UK
January 16-20, 2023
Co-organized by:
Department of Computing and Informatics
Bournemouth Universi
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
Artificial Intelligent Next Generation (NextG) Integrated Communications and
Computing Systems
5-7 June 2023 @ Albuquerqu