2020-02-25 Thread ICAMCS.net and ICAMCS.info
Dear Colleagues, Two important conferences with IEEE as Publisher are going to be held and you are invited to participate with papers(s) and/or with Organization of Special Sessions. The conference proceedings and the extended versions in journals are indexed in ISI (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus


2020-02-24 Thread ICAMCS.net and ICAMCS.info
Dear Colleagues, Two important conferences with IEEE as Publisher are going to be held and you are invited to participate with papers(s) and/or with Organization of Special Sessions. The conference proceedings and the extended versions in journals are indexed in ISI (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus

[UAI] ICAMCS 2020 Publications with IEEE in IEEEXplore as follows

2019-12-30 Thread ICAMCS.net 2020
3rd International Conference on Applied Mathematics & Computational Science (ICAMCS 2020) - Venice, Italy, March 21-23, 2020 http://www.icamcs.net The proceedings of ICAMCS 2020 will be published again by the IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) https://www.computer.org/web/guest/home Ind