[UAI] Call for Book Chapters: Cyber Security and Adversarial Machine Learning

2021-06-21 Thread Ferhat Ozgur Catak
Dear All, We have an active call for book chapters. Please feel free to submit your book chapters. The chapter submission link is here https://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/5243 *Objective* This book will address the cybersecurity and security of the AI application challe

[UAI] Call for Book Chapters (Extended Deadline): Artificial intelligence and Blockchain for Future Cybersecurity Applications by Springer

2020-12-07 Thread Yassine MALEH
*Call for Book Chapters: **Artificial intelligence and Blockchain for Future Cybersecurity Applications by Springer **"Studies in Big Data" * Call for chapters website: https://sites.google.com/view/aiblockchain Submission Deadline: *December 30, 2020 (Exten

[UAI] Call for Book Chapters on Deep Biometrics

2018-12-03 Thread Richard Jiang
Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to contribute a chapter for the upcoming volume entitled “Deep Biometrics” to be published by Springer, the largest global scientific, technical, and medical ebook publisher. The volume will be available both in print and in ebook format by late 20

[UAI] Call for Book Chapters on Deep Biometrics - Submit now

2018-11-17 Thread Richard Jiang
Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to contribute a chapter for the upcoming volume entitled "Deep Biometrics" to be published by Springer, the largest global scientific, technical, and medical ebook publisher. The volume will be available both in print and in ebook format by late 20

[UAI] Call for Book Chapters on Deep Biometrics

2018-11-13 Thread Richard Jiang
Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to contribute a chapter for the upcoming volume entitled “Deep Biometrics” to be published by Springer, the largest global scientific, technical, and medical ebook publisher. The volume will be available both in print and in ebook format by late 20

[UAI] Call for Book Chapters on Deep Biometrics

2018-10-18 Thread Richard Jiang
Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to contribute a chapter for the upcoming volume entitled "Deep Biometrics" to be published by Springer, the largest global scientific, technical, and medical ebook publisher. The volume will be available both in print and in ebook format by late 20

[UAI] Call for book chapters : Vehicular Cloud Computing for Traffic Management and Systems

2017-01-14 Thread Jyoti Grover
** Please share among your colleagues and friends *** *** Apologies for any possible cross postings *** *CALL FOR CHAPTERS* *Proposal Submission Deadline: **January 30, 2017* *Vehicular Cloud Computing for Traffic Management * *and Systems* To be published by IGI Global: *

[UAI] Call for Book Chapters: Artificial-Intelligence Applications in Information and Communication Technologies (AIAICT 2015)

2014-09-16 Thread ياسين قاسه العربي لعلاوي
--Apologies for cross-posting-- Call for Book Chapters: Artificial-Intelligence Applications in Information and Communication Technologies (AIAICT 2015) Editors: Dr. Yacine Laalaoui, IT department, Taif University, KSA, y.laala...@tu.edu.sa

[UAI] Call for book chapters: Data Mining and Multiagent Integration, Springer, 2009

2008-10-03 Thread Longbing Cao
Apologize if you receive more than one copy. regards Longbing CALL FOR CHAPTERS On an Edited Book to Be Published by Springer in 2009 Data Mining and Multiagent Integration Editor: Longbing Cao Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline:November 1, 2008 Proposal Acceptance Due Date:

[UAI] Call for book chapters

2007-01-15 Thread Bhanu Prasad
*Call for book Chapters* * * *Note: **Papers are reviewed and accepted/rejected on first come first serve basis* The following two books are planned to be published by Springer-Verlag during 2007/2008: (1). Soft Computing Applications in Business (2). Soft Computing Applications in Industry We

[UAI] Call for book chapters

2006-11-23 Thread Bhanu Prasad
*Final Call for book Chapters* *(deadline extended)* The following two books are planned to be published by Springer-Verlag during 2007/2008: (1). Soft Computing Applications in Business (2). Soft Computing Applications in Industry We invite book chapter contributions. Please see the website:

[UAI] Call for book Chapters

2006-10-08 Thread Dr. Bhanu Prasad
Call for book Chapters   The following two books are planned to be published by Springer-Verlag during 2007/2008:  (1). Soft Computing Applications in Business (2). Soft Computing Applications in Industry We invite book chapter contributions. Please see the website: http://www.bhanupras

[UAI] Call for Book Chapters

2005-02-26 Thread Jean-Philippe . RENNARD
2d Call for book chapter: Handbook of Research on Nature Inspired Computing for Economy and Management We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this email. Please distribute this announcement to all interested parties.