Dear colleagues,
We have two important updates for the 10th Int. Conf on Computational Data and
Social Networks (CSoNet 2021):
As a result of extenuating circumstances due to COVID-19, CSoNet 2021 will be
fully virtual. The registration fee is $50.
Submission deadline is extended to July 24, 202
Dear colleagues,
We have two important updates for the 10th Int. Conf on Computational Data and
Social Networks (CSoNet 2021):
As a result of extenuating circumstances due to COVID-19, CSoNet 2021 will be
fully virtual. The registration fee is $50.
Submission deadline is extended to July 24, 202
Dear colleagues,
Please note the following two updates for the 10th Int conf on Computational
Data and Social Networks (CSoNet 2021):
Submission deadline is extended to July 10, 2021.
For the virtual attendance, the registration fee is $50.
For more information, please see:
Dear colleagues,
Please note the following two updates for the 10th Int conf on Computational
Data and Social Networks (CSoNet 2021):
Submission deadline is extended to July 10, 2021.
For the virtual attendance, the registration fee is $50.
For more information, please see:
Call For Papers
CSoNet 2021 provides a premier interdisciplinary forum to bring together
researchers and practitioners from all fields of big data and social networks,
such as billion-scale network computing, social network/media analysis,
CALL FOR Proposals for Special Sessions
The 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications
(IEEE ICMLA'21) will be held in Pasadena, California, USA, DECEMBER 13-16,
We invite proposals for special sessions. Special session organizers will be
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CALL FOR Proposals for Special Sessions
The 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications
(IEEE ICMLA'21) will be held in Pasadena, California, USA, DECEMBER 13-16,
We invite proposals for special sessions. Special session organizers will be
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