Register for the 10th Annual Women in Machine Learning Workshop!
Co-located with NIPS
Montreal, Canada
December 7, 2015
This one-day technical workshop, co-located with NIPS, w
in machine
learning research are encouraged to present their research and attend the
This year’s team is Abigail Jacobs as Program Chair, Ramya Ramakrishnan as
Connection Chair, Kate Niehaus as Finance & Sponsorship Chair, Svitlana
Volkova as Submission & Mentorship Chair, and
in machine
learning research are encouraged to present their research and attend the
This year’s team is Abigail Jacobs as Program Chair, Ramya Ramakrishnan as
Connection Chair, Kate Niehaus as Finance & Sponsorship Chair, Svitlana
Volkova as Submission & Mentorship Chair, and
Deadline: March 21, 2014 (11:59pm PST)
Workshop Organizers:
David Yarowsky (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Benjamin Van Durme (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Svitlana Volkova (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Keynote speakers:
- Derek Ruths
Deadline: March 21, 2014 (11:59pm PST)
Workshop Organizers:
Svitlana Volkova (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Benjamin Van Durme (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
David Yarowsky (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Keynote speakers:
- Derek Ruth