ICML 2021 Call for Papers
The 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021) will be held
online July 18-24, 2021. In addition to the main conference sessions, the
conference will also include Expo, Tutorials, and Workshops. Please submit
proposals to the appropriate chairs.
We i
on: December 7 or 8 2012, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA
Submission: via email to sub...@discml.cc
Invited talks by
Satoru Fujishige
Amir Globerson
Alex Smola
Andreas Krause (ETH Zurich, Switzerland),
Jeff A. Bilmes (University of Washington),
Pradeep Ravikumar (University of Tex
Alex Smola
Stefanie Jegelka (UC Berkeley),
Andreas Krause (ETH Zurich, Switzerland),
Jeff A. Bilmes (University of Washington, Seattle),
Pradeep Ravikumar (University of Texas, Austin)
- We apologize for multiple postings -
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