Re: [UAI] uai Digest, Vol 155, Issue 36

2018-03-23 Thread Robert Goldman
cific than "Re: Contents of uai digest..." Today's Topics: 1. Question about information as utility (Robert Goldman) 2. CFP : The 4th IPT workshop @ IEEE ITSC 2018 (Luis MoreiraMatias) -- Message: 1 Date:

[UAI] Question about information as utility

2018-03-23 Thread Robert Goldman
Somehow, it has seeped into my mind as received wisdom that for applications like experimental design for scientific inquiry, we use information gain as a utility measure. That is, if we want to apply decision theory/decision analysis to something like experimental design, we typically do not

Re: [UAI] Question about Bayesian attitudes towards model mismatch

2018-02-27 Thread Robert Goldman
Thanks very much to Deep, Marco and Thomas for the suggestion of "prior-data conflict" as the search phrase I'm looking for, and to Deep and Thomas for pointers to the papers. I really appreciate it, and am starting follow up now. Best, r ___ uai mai

Re: [UAI] Question about Bayesian attitudes towards model mismatch

2018-02-24 Thread Robert Goldman
Ba.pdf#page=15 Best, Rich On 2/23/2018 12:48 PM, Robert Goldman wrote: I'm looking for some advice and particularly literature pointers for a question about the Bayesian stance. I'm interested in what approaches are suggested for handling the case where one's prior is qualitative

[UAI] Question about Bayesian attitudes towards model mismatch

2018-02-23 Thread Robert Goldman
I'm looking for some advice and particularly literature pointers for a question about the Bayesian stance. I'm interested in what approaches are suggested for handling the case where one's prior is qualitatively wrong. For example, imagine that I have chosen a normal distribution for a random

Re: [UAI] Influence diagram "calculator"?

2018-01-28 Thread Robert Goldman
.html Best, -Clay On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 2:13 PM, Robert Goldman wrote: Can anyone point me at some free code that will let me play around with some simple influence diagrams? There seem to be a bunch of really great, capable, commercial systems, but for n

Re: [UAI] Influence diagram "calculator"?

2018-01-28 Thread Robert Goldman
On 28 Jan 2018, at 1:03, Anders L. Madsen wrote: Hi Robert Goldman, HUGIN has a free trial version that supports the use of influence diagrams. It comes with a range of APIs. You can download it here: Thank you very much: this looks very

Re: [UAI] Influence diagram "calculator"?

2018-01-28 Thread Robert Goldman
nterface (which was really nice) is only available for windows. I think this GUI is the fastest means for 'playing' with examples. The SMILE library however supports Linux. Best, Behrouz Babaki On 01/27/2018 12:43 AM, Robert Goldman wrote: Can anyone point me at some free code t

Re: [UAI] Influence diagram "calculator"?

2018-01-28 Thread Robert Goldman
litan Professor Biomedical Informatics -Original Message- From: uai [] On Behalf Of Robert Goldman Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 3:14 PM To: Subject: [UAI] Influence diagram "calculator"? Can anyone point me at some free code that w

[UAI] Influence diagram "calculator"?

2018-01-27 Thread Robert Goldman
Can anyone point me at some free code that will let me play around with some simple influence diagrams? There seem to be a bunch of really great, capable, commercial systems, but for now, I just need something that will let me do some meatball examples. If I can do some convincing examples,

[UAI] Corrected copy of ICAPS Influential paper award call for nominations

2010-09-29 Thread Robert Goldman
Here's an up-to-date copy; sorry about the confusion: Call for Nominations "ICAPS Influential Paper Award" This award honors the authors of a significant and influential paper in any area of automated planning and scheduling. It will be given during the ICAPS conference. Papers that qualify f

[UAI] AAAI-2010 Security and AI (Intelligent Security) workshop: DEADLINE EXTENDED

2010-03-24 Thread Robert Goldman
In keeping with several other AAAI workshops, we have extended the submission deadline for SECART to March 31st. SECART - Second International Workshop on Security and Artificial Intelligence Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 11 or 12, 2010 INTRODUCTION: Our increas

[UAI] Secart10: AI and Computer Security Workshop

2010-02-25 Thread Robert Goldman
SECART - Second International Workshop on Security and Artificial Intelligence Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 11, 2010 INTRODUCTION: Our increasingly networked world continues to provide new opportunities for security breaches that have severe consequences at the p