[UAI] Volunteering for UAI 2013

2013-06-13 Thread Marina Meila
can be available (E.g arriving 7/11 at noon, staying until 7/15 at the end of the day). 6. attach a scanned copy of your hotel or airplane ticket Send all this to: m...@stat.washington.edu AND w...@uw.edu Marina Meila UAI 2013 Local Chair

[UAI] NIPS Demo Deadline - September 25

2005-09-22 Thread Marina Meila
Reminder:  The deadline for NIPS Demonstration Proposals is Sunday,September 25, 2005. Demonstrators will have a chance to show their live and interactive demosin the areas of hardware technology, neuromorphic andbiologically-inspired systems, robotics, and software systems. For further information

[UAI] NIPS 2005 Workshop and Demo Proposal Deadlines

2005-07-27 Thread Marina Meila
Neural Information Processing Systems Conference and Workshop Vancouver and Whistler, BC, Canada December 5 through 10, 2005 Upcoming Proposal Deadlines: Workshop Proposals: August 1, 2005 http://www.nips.cc./Conferences/current/CFP/CallForWorkshops.php Demonstration Proposals: September 25, 2

[UAI] call for demos

2005-07-21 Thread Marina Meila
*** CALL FOR DEMONSTRATIONS: Neural Information Processing Systems - NIPS 2005 December 5-8 Vancouver, BC *** www.

[UAI] NIPS 2005 Call for Papers

2005-04-02 Thread Marina Meila
__ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com *** CALL FOR PAPERS: Neural Information Processing Systems - NIPS 20