[UAI] Postdoc positions in Machine Learning/Bioinformatics: Applications of dynamic graphical models to proteomics

2009-08-01 Thread Jeff Bilmes
research group of Prof. Jeff Bilmes (http://ssli.ee.washington.edu/~bilmes) but will also have close collaboration and regular interaction with Prof. Bill Noble (http://www.gs.washington.edu/faculty/noble.htm) and his group. The postdoc position is for one year, but with the option for renewal for

[UAI] Postdoctoral fellowships in machine learning and computational biology

2008-03-04 Thread Jeff Bilmes
. The postdoc will develop and apply tools for the analysis of the high-throughput data being generated by the ENCODE consortium. o Interpreting shotgun proteomics mass spectrometry data. In collaboration with Michael MacCoss (UW Genome Sciences), Jeff Bilmes (UW EE) and Jason Weston

[UAI] Post-doctoral position, University of Washington, Seattle

2006-11-08 Thread Jeff Bilmes
ties, individuals with disabilities, and covered veterans. Please reply by sending email to Jeff Bilmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or Dieter Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. ___ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU https://secure.engr.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/uai

[UAI] Extended Deadlines: Call for Participation: Evaluation of Probabilistic Inference Systems at UAI06

2006-04-22 Thread Jeff Bilmes
--- Blind-Carbon-Copy To: uai06evaluation Subject: [UAI] Extended Deadlines: Call for Participation: Evaluation of Probabilistic Inference Systems at UAI06 Reply-To: Jeff Bilmes (206/221-5236) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> X-Mailer: MH-E 7.82; nmh 1.0.4; GNU Emacs 21.3.1 Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006

[UAI] Call for Participation: Evaluation of Probabilistic Inference Systems at UAI06

2006-03-31 Thread Jeff Bilmes
*** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Evaluation of Probabilistic Inference Systems at the 22nd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)