The Jain lab at the HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus near Washington, DC, has open positions for researchers with experience and interests in machine learning, computer vision, or quantitative analysis of brain wiring
diagrams. The lab is at the forefront of developing high-throughput methods
The Jain lab at the HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus near Washington, DC, has open positions for researchers with experience and interests in machine learning, computer vision, or quantitative analysis of brain wiring
Example projects being pursued in the lab include:
* developing l
We would like to invite you to participate in the NIPS 2012 workshop on:
* Connectomics: Opportunities and Challenges for Machine Learning
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA
We are inviting abstracts for poster presentations up until Octobe
The Jain lab at the HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus near Washington, DC, has
open positions for researchers with experience and interests in machine
learning, computer vision, or quantitative analysis of brain wiring diagrams.
Example projects being pursued in the lab include:
* developing lar
The Jain lab at the HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus near Washington, DC, has open positions for researchers with experience and interests in machine learning, computer vision, or quantitative analysis of brain wiring
Example projects being pursued in the lab include:
* developing l