[UAI] [CfP] NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Metacognition in AI

2021-08-09 Thread Ingmar Posner
tyleFiles>). References and appendix should be appended into the same (single) PDF document, and do not count towards the page limit. Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=metacogneurips2021 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=metacogneurips2021> Workshop organis

[UAI] [jobs] 2x Postdoc in Robot Learning at the Oxford Applied AI Lab

2018-07-14 Thread Ingmar Posner
rds, I. Ingmar Posner Associate Professor in Engineering Science (Information Engineering) Department of Engineering Science Oxford University Administrator: Hollie Dunn hol...@robots.ox.ac.uk<mailto:cassandra.war...@eng.ox.ac.uk> +44

[UAI] [jobs] Closing soon: Associate Professorship with the Oxford Robotics Institute

2018-03-02 Thread Ingmar Posner
70j/>. Best, I. ---- Ingmar Posner Associate Professor in Engineering Science (Information Engineering) Department of Engineering Science Oxford University Administrator: Hollie Dunn hol...@robots.ox.ac.uk <mailto:cassandra.war...@eng.ox.ac.uk>+44

[UAI] [jobs] Oxford Applied AI Lab: 2 x Postdoc in Robot Learning for Perception, Action and Interaction

2017-10-28 Thread Ingmar Posner
s/current-vacancies/vacancy/131630-Postdoctoral-Research-Assistant-in-Robot-Learning-for-Perception-and-Action>. Best Regards, I. ---- Ingmar Posner Associate Professor in Engineering Science (Information Engineering) Department of Engineering Science Oxford University A

[UAI] [jobs] Oxford - Associate Professorship in Robotics / Information Engineering

2017-03-15 Thread Ingmar Posner
obs/current-vacancies/vacancy/126737-Associate-Professorship-in-Information-Engineering-(Robotics)>. Warmest to all, I. - Ingmar Posner Associate Professor in Engineering Science (Information Engineering) Fellow of Pembroke College Depa

[UAI] [Job Posting] Oxford Mobile Robotics Group, PostDoc, Computer Vision and Scene Understanding

2013-05-28 Thread Ingmar Posner
work with Professor P Newman and Dr Ingmar Posner on autonomous valet parking and charging for E-mobility. The work will be funded under the FP7 "V-Charge" project as part of a collaboration with research groups at Zurich, Braunschweig and Parma, and industrial partners Volkswagon and