SIGIR 2009 is pleased to announce its slate of post-conference
workshops to be held Wednesday, July 23rd, in Boston Massachusetts.
Detailed information about the workshops, including pointers to their
individual web sites, calls for papers, and so on, is available at
19 July 2009, Boston, USA.
SIGIR is the major international forum for the presentation of new
research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques
in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The ACM SIGIR Doctoral
Consortium provides doctor
SIGIR 2009: Call for Demonstrations
Demonstration proposals are solicited as part of the 32nd Annual
International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in
Information Retrieval, which will be held on 19-23 July 2009 in Boston
Demonstrations present fir
The 32nd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference July 19-23 2009, Boston, USA
Poster presentations offer researchers a unique opportunity to present
late-breaking results, significant work in progress, or research that
is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. Poster
SIGIR 2009 Call for Tutorials (
SIGIR 2009 ( opens with a full day of tutorials
on Sunday, July 19, 2009.
Proposals are solicited for tutorials of either a half-day (3 hours
plus breaks) or a full day (6 hours plus
breaks) on topics
Reminder: Abstract Deadline for SIGIR 2009
SIGIR is the major international forum for the presentation of new
research results and for the demonstration of new systems and
techniques in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The
Conference and Program Chairs invite all those working
The 32nd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference July 19-23 2009, Boston, USA
SIGIR is the major international forum for the presentation of new
research results and for the demonstration of new systems and
techniques in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The
Conference a