Dear Colleagues,
Due to requests, we have extended the submission deadline to Dec, 23rd.
That is, this Sunday.
# Special Issue: Robustness in Probabilistic Graphical Models
Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM) have become the de facto framework
for representing and manipulating probabilistic kn
Dear Colleagues,
Due to requests, we have extended the submission deadline to December 20th.
See the revised call below.
# CFP: IJAR Special Issue on Robustness in Probabilistic Graphical Models
Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM) have become the de facto framework
for representing and man
Dear Colleagues,
We encourage submissions of manuscripts for the following special
issue of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR) on
Robustness in Probabilistic Graphical Models.
# IJAR Special Issue: Robustness in Probabilistic Graphical Models
Probabilistic Graphical Model