Do you have results that you can't believe are not better?
Well, we are sorry - but sometimes we can learn more from surprising
negative results.
Announcing the 3rd edition of "I can't believe it is not better" workshop
at NeurIPS 2022. This time focusing on "Understanding Deep Learning
ision Making
9 March 2022
David Rohde <http://goog_556269291/> Criteo
Causal Inference is (Bayesian) Inference - A beautifully simple idea that
not everyone accepts
Criteo AI Lab is excited to be presenting Graph Machine Learning in Industry.
Please join us on Thursday, September 23rd, at 17:00 Paris time.
Registration is now open:
Many problems in data mining, machine learning, and computer science c
Call For Papers (reminder)
BCIRWIS 2021: Bayesian causal inference for real world interactive systems
- (KDD 2021 Workshop)
Deadline extended to May 20 2021
Increasingly we use machine learning to build interactive systems that
learn from past actions and the
Call For Papers BCIRWIS 2021: Bayesian causal inference for real world
interactive systems - (KDD 2021 Workshop)
Increasingly we use machine learning to build interactive systems that learn
from past actions and the reward obtained. Theory suggests several possible
approaches, such as contextua
Laplace's Demon: Bayesian Machine Learning at Scale has a few announcements.
Firstly registration is now open for Jake Hofman 17 June talk: "How visualizing
inferential uncertainty can mislead readers about treatment effects in
scientific results". Jake is a Senior Principal Researcher at Mic
We are very pleased to announce: Laplace's Demon, Bayesian Machine Learning at
Scale (BMLS), a seminar series about practical Bayesian methods in academia and
The first session of BMLS will be on the 13th of may at 15.00 UTC and will be