[UAI] PhD position: fuzzy rough set models for machine learning and sentiment analysis

2018-03-30 Thread Chris Cornelis
cies.html> === Dr. Chris Cornelis Computational Web Intelligence UGent Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics Krijgslaan 281, S9, B-9000 Gent Tel : +32(0)9 264 47 72 Fax : +32(0)9 264 49 95 Mailto: chris.corne...@ugent.be<mailto:yvan.sa...@ug

[UAI] Special session on WI at FLINS 2006

2005-12-13 Thread Chris Cornelis
igence * Intelligent human-web interaction * Automatic generation of (fuzzy) ontologies ** Paper submission ** Prospective authors are invited to submit papers of up to 8 pages by email to Chris Cornelis. All submitted papers will be judged on their quality and rel

[UAI] Special session on WI at FLINS 2006

2005-10-28 Thread Chris Cornelis
action * Automatic generation of (fuzzy) ontologies ** Paper submission ** Prospective authors are invited to submit papers of up to 8 pages by email to Chris Cornelis. All submitted papers will be judged on their quality and relevance. Formatting details for preparing your