*Privacy in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (ICML’18 Workshop)*
- *Submission deadline*: May 14, 2018 (11pm59 CET)
- *Notification of acceptance*: May 29, 2018
- *Workshop date*: July 13/14/15, 2018, Stockholm
- *Website*: https://pimlai.github.io/pimlai18/
*News:* We h
*Privacy in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (ICML’18 Workshop)*
- *Submission deadline*: May 14, 2018 (11pm59 CET)
- *Notification of acceptance*: May 29, 2018
- *Workshop date*: July 14/15, 2018, Stockholm
- *Website*: https://pimlai.github.io/pimlai18/
We invite submi
Call for Papers: Learning and Automata (LearnAut) -- LICS 2017 Workshop
June 19, Reykjavik (Iceland)
Website: https://learnaut.wordpress.com/
Grammatical Inference (GI) studies machine learning algorithms for
classical recursive models of computations like automata and grammars. The
expressive pow
Call for Papers: Learning and Automata (LearnAut) -- LICS 2017 Workshop
June 19, Reykjavik (Iceland)
Website: https://learnaut.wordpress.com/
Grammatical Inference (GI) studies machine learning algorithms for
classical recursive models of computations like automata and grammars. The
expressive pow
[Apologies for cross-posting]
The Sequence PredIction ChallengE (SPiCe, http://spice.lif.univ-mrs.fr/) is
on and will last until the end of July! The goal of this competition is to
guess the next symbol in a sequence, given a set of complete sequences for
Datasets come from different f
Call for Papers: Workshop on Method of Moments and Spectral Learning --
ICML 2014
June 25 or 26, Beijing (China)
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/momentsicml2014/
Many problems in machine learning involve collecting high-dimensional
multivariate observations or sequences of observations, an
Call for Papers: Workshop on Method of Moments and Spectral Learning --
ICML 2014
June 25 or 26, Beijing (China)
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/momentsicml2014/
Many problems in machine learning involve collecting high-dimensional
multivariate observations or sequences of observations, an
Call for Participation --- Workshop on Spectral Learning
[[Friday June 21, Room M103-4]] ICML 2013, Atlanta (GA), USA
Website: http://sites.google.com/site/spectrallearningworkshop/
The focus of this workshop is on spectral learning algorithms,
understood from a very broad an