[UAI] Machine learning researcher positions, NICTA (Sydney and Canberra, Australia)

2013-04-12 Thread Bob Williamson
group: http://nicta.com.au/research/machine_learning Details of the job opportunities: http://nicta.com.au/research/machine_learning/job_opportunities Closing date 26 May, 2013. Bob Williamson<http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~williams/>, FAA Professor, Engineering a

[UAI] Call for participation COLT2012

2012-05-03 Thread Bob Williamson
* * * COLT 2012 - Call for participation * * * The 25th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2012) Edinburgh, Scotland, June 25-27, 2012 http://www.ttic.edu/colt2012/ * * * Deadline for early registrations and guaranteed hotel reservations: May 13, 2012 * * * The 25th Conference on Learning T

[UAI] COLT2012 Final CfP

2012-01-28 Thread Bob Williamson
The 25th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2012) will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland, on June 25th-27th, 2012. It will be co-located with ICML, with a joint day on June 27th. We invite submissions of papers addressing theoretical aspects of machine learning, empirical inference and rel

[UAI] COLT2012 Call for papers

2011-10-26 Thread Bob Williamson
The 25th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2012) will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland, on June 25th-27th, 2012. It will be co-located with ICML, with a joint day on June 27th. We invite submissions of papers addressing theoretical aspects of machine learning, empirical inference and rel

[UAI] 3 Researcher positions in Machine Learning at NICTA (Canberra and Sydney)

2011-10-12 Thread Bob Williamson
2770&parent=Research&startflag=2 Close: 2 January 2012 Bob WilliamsonProfessor of Computer Science Group Leader, Machine LearningAustralian National University National ICT Australia Limited

[UAI] NIPS Workshop on Relating Machine Learning Problems - Deadline Extension

2011-09-27 Thread Bob Williamson
To align with many other workshops, we have extended our submission deadline to 16 October. Details: http://rml.anu.edu.au Bob Williamson (on behalf of organisers) The information in this e-mail may be confidential and subject to legal professional

[UAI] Call for submissions: NIPS workshop on relations between machine learning problems

2011-09-08 Thread Bob Williamson
Submissions are invited for the NIPS workshop on Relating Machine Learning Problems - An Approach to Unify the Field. Full details here: http://rml.anu.edu.au Bob WilliamsonProfessor of Computer Science Group Leader, Machine Learning