[UAI] IPMU 2024 special session: Imprecision and uncertainty in image processing and analysis

2023-12-22 Thread sdesterc
*** Please communicate to whoever might be interested *** Dear colleagues, We are organising a special session on "Imprecision and uncertainty in image processing and analysis” to be held at the 20th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowled

[UAI] I am hiring: Postdoc and PhD researcher positions in machine learning in Helsinki and Manchester, DL January 28, 2024

2023-12-22 Thread Kaski Samuel
Thinking about the next position during the holidays? I am hiring in my machine learning research group both in Helsinki and Manchester, DL January 28, 2024 Manchester: Postdoc in probabilistic machine learning and sustainability; collaboration with an outstanding sustainability team - Univ Manc

[UAI] PhD position on aligning learning and reasoning at the University of Groningen

2023-12-22 Thread Bart Verheij
Are you interested in formal AI methods for the alignment of learning and reasoning? Then we have a PhD position in Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics

[UAI] Postdoctoral Researcher offer at University Paris Saclay - 12 months - "Causal Inference and Discovery for learning and intervening on welding quality prediction"

2023-12-22 Thread myriam . tami
[This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and attachments.] Bonjour à tous, (english version below) Nous recherchons des candidat.e.s pour une offre de postdoc financée sur 1 an, en Inférence et Découverte Causale, à l’Université Paris-Saclay et plus précisément dans