(apologies for cross-posting)
EPIA 2021
20th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence
September 7-9, 2021
Apologies if you get multiple announcementsICIC2021 Call for Papers (Extended Deadlines)(SCI & EI & ISTP)Featured at ICIC2021: 10 SCI Journals, 6 Workshops and 8 Special SessionsThe Seventeenth International Conference on Intelligent Computing will be organiz
*** CFP2 MESINESP2 track:
Medical Semantic Indexing (BioASQ – CLEF 2021) ***
MESINESP2 Awards by BSC-Plan TL [2,700€]
Test sets and additional data are now available
There is a pressing need for advanced multilingual semantic search
strategies for health-relat
The Visual Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Oxford Brookes University,
led by Professor Fabio Cuzzolin, is seeking a Research Fellow in Epistemic
Artificial Intelligence, to be appointed as soon as possible after March 1
2021, full-time, for four years (48 months).
The deadline for applicatio