[UAI] The Responsible Data Summit starts Tuesday

2020-07-27 Thread Vivek Sharma
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Together with MIT and UC Berkeley, we are organizing our Responsible Data Summit on Privacy, AI and the future of the data economy. I'm excited to cordially invite you all to our summit dated between 28-30th July, 0900-1530 hrs, PDT. The event will provide a unique

[UAI] [Deadline Approaching] 2nd FashionXRecsys Workshop - RecSys Conference - 26th September

2020-07-27 Thread Shatha Jaradat
FashionXRecsys - Workshop on Recommender Systems in Fashion In conjunction with ACM RecSys 2020 (26th September 2020) https://fashionxrecsys.github.io/fashionxrecsys-2020/ **Important Note** Due to concerns about COVID-19, RecSys 2020 will cancel its physical component and go fully virtual. We a

[UAI] Invitation to Summer short e-course on Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems 2020, 17-18th August 2020

2020-07-27 Thread Ioanna Koroni
Dear Autonomous Systems engineers, scientists and enthusiasts, you are welcomed to register in the 'Summer short e-course on Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems 2020' with applications on autonomous cars, drones and marine vessels. It will take place on 17-18/8/2020 as

[UAI] [Journals] -[Robotics, CiteScore: 2.5] Call for Papers: Special Issue on "Soft Robotics: Fusing Function with Structure"

2020-07-27 Thread Linda Wang
Dear colleague, I am writing to you to let you know that Robotics is currently running a Special Issue entitled "Soft Robotics: Fusing Function with Structure". Prof. Dr. Kaspar Althoefer, Dr. Hareesh Godaba and Dr. Ahmad Ataka from Queen Mary University of London are serving as Guest Editors fo

[UAI] Postdoc positions in Reasoning and Learning at Linköping University Sweden

2020-07-27 Thread Fredrik Heintz
Dear colleagues, the Reasoning and Learning Group at Linköping University in Sweden has two open postdoc positions (up to 2 years each) for doing curiosity driven basic research in the intersection between reasoning and learning. Application deadline August 24. We are a growing research group

[UAI] Invitation to Summer short e-course on Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems 2020, 17-18th August 2020

2020-07-27 Thread Ioanna Koroni
Dear Autonomous Systems engineers, scientists and enthusiasts, you are welcomed to register in the 'Summer short e-course on Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems 2020' with applications on autonomous cars, drones and marine vessels. It will take place on 17-18/8/2020 as


2020-07-27 Thread Bein, Doina
[Apologies for multiple received copies of the email] The 22nd International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2020) will be held in virtually (scheduled in Austin, Texas, USA but due to COVID-19, moved virtually) on November 18-21, 2020. SSS is an int

[UAI] ICITS'21 - 4th Int. Conference on Information Technology & Systems, Santa Elena, Ecuador

2020-07-27 Thread Maria L.
* Published by Springer in several books of the AISC series * SCIMago H-Index = 34 * Indexed in Scopus, WoS, DBLP, Ei-Compendex, etc - --- ICITS'21 - 4th International Conference on Information Technology & Syste