IEEE PerCom (23 - 27 March 2020, Austin, US) is the premier conference for
presenting scholarly research in pervasive computing and communications
The IEEE PerCom 2020 organizers wish to remind you about upcoming important
Call for research contribution papers:
KR2ML Workshop at NeurIPS 2019
"Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Meets Machine Learning"
Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver CANADA
Call for Papers
We invite full papers (5-8 pages) and poster abstracts (3-4 pages) that describe innovative combinations of sy
*Standard Research Journal of Nursing and Midwifery*
*Dear Respected Scholars*,
Standard Research Journal of Nursing and Midwifery (SRJNM) (*ISSN:
2409-1790) *is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that is
published monthly