Apologies for cross-posting
The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019)
Applications Track
September 21-25, 2019
Las Cruces, New Mexico (USA)
Apologies for cross-posting
ICLP 2019 Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track - Call for Papers
The program committee of the 35th International Conference on Logic Programming
(ICLP) invites submissions of published journal papers and papers presented at
related conferences for the Si
Dear colleagues,
Please find below the call for papers for EuroVA 2019 - EuroVis Workshop on
Visual Analytics. We are celebrating the 10th anniversary of EuroVA!! The
deadline is less than a month away, and we highlight that this year
selected EuroVA papers will be invited to extend their work for
Dear all,
SequeL organizes the "Reinforcement Learning Summer Scool" (RLSS), the
1st summer school fully dedicated to reinforcement learning and bandits,
in Lille (France), July 1st-12th, 2019.
During these two weeks, we will cover the basics, the theory, and the
practice of RL and bandits,
7th ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics
(PlanRob‚ 2019)
ICAPS 2019 Workshop Berkley, California, USA July 11 or July 12, 2019
Call for Participation
The seventh edition of the Vision Understanding and Machine
Intelligence (VISUM) Summer School will take place between 4 and 12,
July 2019, at Universidade Portucalense (UPT), in Porto - Portugal.
This year the following topics will be covered:
1. Computer Vision & Mac