[UAI] CFP: ICLP 2019 - Application Track

2019-02-14 Thread Fioretto, Ferdinando
Apologies for cross-posting ** CALL FOR PAPERS ** The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019) Applications Track September 21-25, 2019 Las Cruces, New Mexico (USA) https://www.cs.nmsu.edu/ALP/iclp2019/ ---

[UAI] CFP: ICLP 2019 - Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track

2019-02-14 Thread Fioretto, Ferdinando
Apologies for cross-posting ICLP 2019 Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track - Call for Papers The program committee of the 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP) invites submissions of published journal papers and papers presented at related conferences for the Si

[UAI] [EuroVA2019] CFP: EuroVA 2019 - EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics in Porto, Portogal

2019-02-14 Thread Organizers EuroVA
Dear colleagues, Please find below the call for papers for EuroVA 2019 - EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics. We are celebrating the 10th anniversary of EuroVA!! The deadline is less than a month away, and we highlight that this year selected EuroVA papers will be invited to extend their work for

[UAI] Reinforcement Learning Summer School, Lille, 1-12 July

2019-02-14 Thread philippe preux
Dear all, SequeL organizes the "Reinforcement Learning Summer Scool" (RLSS), the 1st summer school fully dedicated to reinforcement learning and bandits, in Lille (France), July 1st-12th, 2019. During these two weeks, we will cover the basics, the theory, and the practice of RL and bandits,

[UAI] [meetings] Call for Paper for the 7th ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics (ICAPS 2019)

2019-02-14 Thread Alberto Finzi
** CALL FOR PAPERS ** 7th ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob‚ 2019) http://icaps19.icaps-conference.org/ ICAPS 2019 Workshop Berkley, California, USA July 11 or July 12, 2019 -

[UAI] VISUM 2019 Summer School :: Call for Participation! 2 ECTS + Industry Day Challenge + Project Competition

2019-02-14 Thread Inês Domingues
Call for Participation The seventh edition of the Vision Understanding and Machine Intelligence (VISUM) Summer School will take place between 4 and 12, July 2019, at Universidade Portucalense (UPT), in Porto - Portugal. This year the following topics will be covered: 1. Computer Vision & Mac