[UAI] Postdoctoral Position in Understanding and Improving Peer Review @ the Knowledge Lab, UChicago

2018-08-28 Thread Candice Lewis
The Knowledge Lab at the University of Chicago seeks to hire an outstanding candidate for a postdoctoral research opportunity with support from the National Science Foundation to understand the nature of peer review and improve it for the many purposes to which it is

[UAI] [ACM UbiComp/ISWC 2018] Call for Participation

2018-08-28 Thread UbiComp '18 Publicity Chairs
[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this email.] UbiComp/ISWC 2018 The 2018 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing The 2018 International Symposium on Wearable Computers October 8-12, 2018 Singapore Webpages: http://ubicomp.org/ubicomp2018/

[UAI] Postdoctoral Position in the Science of Teams and Innovation @ the Knowledge Lab, UChicago

2018-08-28 Thread Candice Lewis
The Knowledge Lab at the University of Chicago seeks to hire an outstanding candidate for a postdoctoral research project with support from the National Science Foundation that uses large-scale data analysis and online team experiments to explore how to design teams