Dear Colleagues,
We encourage submissions of manuscripts for the following special
issue of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR) on
Robustness in Probabilistic Graphical Models.
# IJAR Special Issue: Robustness in Probabilistic Graphical Models
Probabilistic Graphical Model
Postdoc and PhD student positions in machine learning, Finnish Center for
Artificial Intelligence
Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI; is looking
for exceptional doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers to tackle
complex and exciting problems in the field of m
*Deadline extended to 26th July, 2018 *
PLP-2018: The Fifth Workshop on Probabilistic Logic Programming
A workshop of the 28th International Conference on Inductive Logic
1 September 2018
Ferrara, Italy
Dear colleagues,
We are looking for a Postdoc Research Fellow to conduct research on 5G
Service Function Chain at the University of Exeter (,
a member of the prestigious Russell Group of research-intensive
universities in UK.
This is a two-year position. The