[UAI] IEEE PerCom 2019 - Paper registration due September 14th, 2018

2018-07-03 Thread hassan.ghasemzadeh
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.] CALL FOR PAPERS - IEEE PerCom 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Kyoto, Japan, March 11-15 2019 http://www.percom.org IEEE PerCom, now in its seventeenth year, is established as the premier a

[UAI] [CFP] ILP 2018: Call for works in progress and already published papers

2018-07-03 Thread Elena Bellodi
Apologize for multiple posting. -- ILP 2018 Call for Papers The 28th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming September 2nd - 4th, Ferrara, Italy http://ilp2018.unife.it/ -

[UAI] CfP: 3rd Workshop on Ubiquitous Personal Assistance (UPA'18) @UbiComp'18

2018-07-03 Thread Christian Meurisch
Apologies for multiple postings. -- CALL FOR PAPERS 3rd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Personal Assistance (UPA'18) In conjunction with UbiComp 2018 08 October 2018, Singapore https://upa18.weebly.com ---