2018-01-15 Thread Tanya Brown
www.thevirtualbrain.org/node6 ​ ​ *Get up to speed about the fundamental principles of full brain network modeling using the open-source neuroinformatics platform The Virtual Brain (TVB).* *- 1 DAY WORKSHOP - * TVB enables biologically realistic modeling of

[UAI] Postdoc Position in AI/Machine Learning Trust and Transparency at the University of Cambridge

2018-01-15 Thread Zoubin Ghahramani
In collaboration with the Machine Learning Group, the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI) at the University of Cambridge invites applications for a postdoctoral Research Associate to work on the project 'Trust and Transparency in AI', which spans multiple disciplines including

[UAI] Last CfP: First International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story'18@ECIR'18)

2018-01-15 Thread Vitor Mangaravite
*** Apologies for cross-posting *** ++ CALL FOR PAPERS ++ ** First International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story'18@ECIR'18) Grenoble, France Text2Story18.inesctec.pt

[UAI] SIAM SDM 2018 - Call for Doctoral Student Forum Participants and Student Travel Scholarship Applications

2018-01-15 Thread SDM Publicity Chairs
SDM'18: THE EIGHTEENTH SIAM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA MINING May 3 - May 5, 2018 San Diego Marriott Mission Valley San Diego, California, USA http://www.siam.org/meetings/sdm18/ --- Call for Doctoral Student Forum Participants and Student Travel Scholarship Applica

[UAI] NAACL 2018 Student Research Workshop (SRW) - Deadline extended for pre-submission mentoring

2018-01-15 Thread Umashanthi Pavalanathan
### NAACL 2018 Student Research Workshop (SRW) - Deadline extended for pre-mentoring submission ### *** Deadline for pre-submission mentoring extended to January 22, 2018. More details available here: https://naacl2018-srw.github.io/mentoring/ *** The SRW workshop will be held in conjunction wit

[UAI] CFP: PLP 2018 - Probabilistic Logic Programming Workshop 2018

2018-01-15 Thread Elena Bellodi
PLP-2018: The Fifth Workshop on Probabilistic Logic Programming - A workshop of the 28th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming 1 September 2018