Tenure-Track or Tenured Professor in Artificial Intelligence
The Department of Computer Science (CS) at Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland)
invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured professor in Artificial
Intelligence. As Aalto is presently investing strongly in fundamental AI
The Machine Learning Department of NEC Labs America invites
applications for summer and fall 2018 internships. We have research
projects covering many areas of machine learning. The internship will
involve research and development of novel machine learning algorithms
with applications in image/v
Call for Participation (apologies for multiple copies)
International Computer Vision Summer School
*Computer Vision after Deep Learning*
Sicily, Italy, 08-14 July 2018
Web: http://www.dmi
Dear UAI colleagues,
I would appreciate it if you would bring this position to the attention of
anybody who may be interested in it.
Postdoc position in machining learning and signal processing for