NTU: Post Doctorate position in the ST Eng-NTU Corp. Laboratory at Nanyang
Technological University (Singapore) is immediately available in intelligent
UAV control.
Research involves:
* High-level and low-level control of Y6 coaxial tricopter UAV.
* Soft computing methods inclu
NTU: A post-doctorate position in ST Eng-NTU Corp. Laboratory at Nanyang
Technological University (Singapore) is immediately available in computer
vision for UAVs .
- Prospective candidate should hold a Ph.D. degree in automatic
control engineering, mechatronics engineer
There are a few packages in R which are quite nice. I wrote a bit about
them in my latest book:
Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models in R (Packt Publishing)
(ha ha, I couldn't resist advertising, but one has to be