[UAI] PhD/Post-doc positions in the Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group at the University of Zurich

2016-02-10 Thread Mihaela Verman
The Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) is inviting applications for multiple PhD student positions and a Post-doc position with a keen interest in at least one of the following areas: Social Computing, Crowdsourcing Semantic Web, Graph Pro

[UAI] Final CFP - SecMAS@AAMAS 2016 - Deadline Febr 15, 2016

2016-02-10 Thread Long Tran-Thanh
FYI: Final Call for Papers - SecMAS workshop on Security and Multi-agent Systems Deadline: Febr 15, 2016 SecMAS 2016: Security and Multi-agent Systems Workshop http://www-scf.u

[UAI] ICML 2016 Call for Tutorials

2016-02-10 Thread Jingrui He
Call for Tutorials *The 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning * Tutorial proposal deadline: *February 19, 2016* The ICML 2016 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials to be given on June 19, 2016, immediately preceding the main conference. We welcom

[UAI] CFP DAMI/DMKD Special Issue on Sports Analytics

2016-02-10 Thread Ulf Brefeld
Submission deadline approaching: February 29 !!! DAMI/DMKD Special Issue on Sports Analytics As in most other areas of society, increasing amounts of data are being collected in all kinds of sports. However, depending on the type of sport, the goals of analysing the collected data

[UAI] NIPS 2016 Call For Papers

2016-02-10 Thread Lee Campbell
NIPS 2016 Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona, Barcelona SPAIN Monday December 05 - Saturday December 10, 2016 http://nips.cc/Conferences/2016 *Call for Papers* Deadline for Paper Submissions: *Fri May 20, 2016 16:00 PM UTC**Fri May 20, 2016 09:00 AM pacific daylight time* Submit at: h