Dear Colleagues and Friends,
I organize a special session at FLINS 2016 Conference ( this year in Lille, France. The title of
the session is “Intuitionistic & Hesitant Fuzzy Multiple Criteria
Decision Making ”.
I believe that the session will be an invaluable
Apologies for cross-posting
*** BioASQ challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question
answering ***
part of the Joint Shared Task of the ACL 2016 BioNLP workshop,
Humbold University, Berlin, Germany,
August 12: BioNLP workshop, Au
(Apologies for cross posting.)
Join a world-class research group in one of two open postdoctoral research
fellow positions at the University of Melbourne's Department of Computing &
Information Systems, situated in one of the world's most liveable cities.
Applications close end of February.
The f