The journal track submission for ECML-PKDD 2016 is open now.
The journal track allows continuous submissions from the end of September
2015 to March 2016. There are two cutoffs per month on which we distribute
papers to reviewers with the first one being the 27th of September 2015 and
the last one
Microsoft Research NYC seeks outstanding applicants for full-time researcher
positions in the area of machine learning or a related field, such as
statistics, computer vision or natural language processing. We invite
applicants at all levels.
Deadline for full consideration: January 1, 2016.
The research group KU Leuven ESAT-STADIUS is currently offering 2
Postdoc positions (1-year) within the framework of the ERC (European
Research Council) Advanced Grant A-DATADRIVE-B (PI: Johan Suykens) on Advanced Data-Driven
Black-box modelling.
The re
*Call for Papers*
Third AAAI-Workshop on Multiagent Interaction without Prior Coordination
(MIPC 2016)
13 February 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
*Extended submission deadline: _Sunday 15 November_ (after AAAI-16
- Invited talks by Michae