-Original Message-
From: Lorenzo Cavallaro [mailto:lorenzo.cavall...@rhul.ac.uk]
Sent: 02 November 2015 22:29
To: st...@cs.rhul.ac.uk
Subject: Post-Doctoral Position in Malware Detection at Royal Holloway,
University of London: Deadline Nov 30 @ 11:59pm (GMT)
Dear CS Staff,
Call for contributions
Special session on Imprecise Probabilities
to be held at the
8th International Conference in Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics
Rome (Italy), September 12-14, 2016.
Session topic and goal
This session concerns imprecise probability in the wide sense
Please disseminate as appropriate.
International Conference on Future Internet e-Health
May 25–28, 2016 | PUEBLA, Mexico