3rd FoCAS Workshop on Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems
Monday 21st September @ SASO 2015, Boston, USA
Submission hard deadline is July 11, 2015
Paper Acceptance Notification: July 31, 2015
Camera Ready: August 10, 2015
Workshop Best Student Paper Award: Prize 500EUR!
Workshop website
The computer vision group of the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena,
Germany, offers a PhD student position to outstanding students interested in
computer vision and signal processing. The position is part of a European
project together with the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and many
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WCCI/IJCNN 2016 Call for Special Sessions
Special session proposals for are invited to the 2016 IEEE World Congress on
Computational Intelligence/International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
(WCCI/IJCNN). Special session proposa