[UAI] UAI 2015 - Call for Tutorials

2014-12-19 Thread Jonas Peters
[apologies if you receive multiple copies of this mail] == UAI 2015 - Call for Tutorials == The UAI 2015 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials. The tutorials will be held at the 31st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial In

[UAI] CFP: CICLing 2015 / NLP - Egypt - Springer LNCS

2014-12-19 Thread Alexander Gelbukh (CFP)
CICLing 2015 16th Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics + 1st Workshop on Arabic NLP / sentiment analysis Cairo, Egypt - April 14-20, 2015 Springer LNCS, journals Deadline: Abstract January 25 then full t

[UAI] PhD position in QBF solving at Vienna University of Technology, Austria

2014-12-19 Thread Stefan Szeider
There is an opening for a funded PhD position in Quantified Boolean Formula (QBF) solving at the Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria. The PhD student will join Stefan Szeider's research group to develop and implement new methods for leveraging variable independence in QBF solvers,