*Stanford University*
Faculty Opening
We invite applications from individuals working at the frontiers of
Management Science and Engineering, broadly defined, including candidates
from engineering and the mathematical, medical, physical, and socia
We will have true artificial intelligence when it reaches the state
where "this intelligence" will autonomously, undirected and
"self-emerging", challenge our (humans) intelligence as being deficient.
Costas Neocleous
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Scien
Call for Papers: NIPS 2013 Workshop on Planning with Information Constraints
December 9 or 10, Lake Tahoe (NV), USA
Website: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~ope/workshop
** Call for Papers **
The NIPS 2013 Workshop on
Planning with Information Constraints
for Control, Reinforcement Learning,
[Apologies for cross-posting]
In 2013, the Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(http://ai2013.otago.ac.nz/) will introduce a doctoral mentoring consortium,
intended for PhD students in advanced stages of their research. The aim is to
provide an opportunity for students to i