A workshop on computer games is to be held at IJCAI 2013 in Beijing. The
topics of the workshop concern all aspects of artificial intelligence for
computer games. This includes :
Monte-Carlo methods
Heuristic search
Board games
Card games
Video games
Perfect and imperfect information games
Dear UAI-ers,
Second notice of our workshop on "Approaches to Causal Structure Learning",
to be held immediately after UAI 2013, on Monday, July 15 in Bellevue, WA,
Website: http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~rje42/uai13/main.htm
The call for papers is below.
A reminder that the *deadline for a
The Computation and Cognition Lab at Stanford University has an opening for one
or more post-doctoral scholars to work on probabilistic programming, including:
-design and implementation of probabilistic programming languages
-development of advanced probabilistic inference algorithms
ESSIR 2013 Latest News
Granada, September 2-6, 2013
Dear friends,
These are the latest news on ESSIR 2013:
- We have prepared a very attractive and intense programme. This is the
final list of topics and speakers (more information about lectures at
[Apologies for multiple postings.]
*** One more week for submitting your results to EISIC 2013. ***
Due to numerous requests the submission deadline for EISIC 2013 has
been extended to May 1, 2013.
European Intelligence & Security Informatics Conference (EISIC 2013)
The Premier European Confere
IJCAI-2013 Workshop NRAC'13
Tenth International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change
3-5 Augu
(Machine Learning and Data Mining for) Sports Analytics @ ECML/PKDD 2013
(MLSA13)-- Call for Papers
The Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics workshop at
ECML/PKDD 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic, solicits papers on Machine
Learning, Data Mining, and other related approaches for