(apology if you receive this announcement through multiple lists)
NEWS: submission deadline extended to APRIL 7
The 1st IEEE International Conference on
Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and
Call for contributions
MLSB13, the Seventh International Workshop on
Machine Learning in Systems Biology
Organized in conjunction with ISMB/ECCB 2013
Berlin, Germany, July 19-20, 2013.
Important dat
--Apologies for cross-postings—
ICML '13 Workshop: Role of Machine Learning in Transforming Healthcare
Date: June 20-21, 2013
Location: Atlanta, USA
Important Dates (UPDATED)
Structured Learning: Inferring Graphs from Structured and Unstructured
Inputs (SLG2013)
ICML workshop, June 16, 2013 (day between ICML & NAACL)
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2013
Structured learning involves learning and making inferenc
Call for abstracts: Inductive logic and confirmation in science
17-18 October 2013, University of Kent, Paris campus, France
Invited speakers: Branden Fitelson (Rutgers), Jan-Willem Romeijn (Groningen)
and Pierre Wagner (Paris).
Please send
The School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh is recruiting to
several positions which start out as fellowships (no or highly reduced
teaching/admin) and progress over 5 years to permanent faculty positions.
Machine Learning and Computational Neuroscience, both theoretical and
applied, ar
**apologies for cross-posting**
We inform you that, due to several requests,
the deadline for submission to the Special Issue on Loops in Argumentation
of the Journal of Logic and Computation
has been EXTENDED TO MAY, 1.
Journal of Logic and Computation (JLC): Special Issue on Loops in Argumenta
On 3/24/2013 4:00 PM, Richard E. Neapolitan wrote:
I am interested in learning of methods for learning the parameters in a
Bayesian networks from several datasets, each of which contains data on
the variables in the network.
Technically this is often done and can be done easily. GeNIe
Richard E. Neapolitan wrote:
I am interested in learning of methods for learning the parameters in a
Bayesian networks from several datasets, each of which contains data on
the variables in the network.
Dear Rich,
If you have causal knowledge available, this paper by Marek Druzdzel and
I, ent
Dear Colleague,
Due to numerous requests, the eNTERFACE’13 organizing committee has
extended the application deadline for participation to *May 26th*, 2013.
The 9th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces
(eNTERFACE’13) will take place in Monte de Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal from
Key Features of MLIS'13:
+ Proceedings published in the ACM digital library
+ Three internationally renowned invited speakers
IJCAI Workshop on Machine Learning for Interactive Systems (MLIS'13):
Bridging the Gap between Perception, Action
The International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence [IJCAI]
Organization, in collaboration with the AI Journal,
is pleased to announce the continuation of its Travel Grants Program
for students, junior scientists and scientists
attending IJCAI-13 to be held in Beijing, China, during Augu
[Apologies for cross-posting]
Call for Papers
"Special issue on New trends on E-Procurement applying Semantic Technologies"
Computers in Industry. An International, Application Oriented Research
Journal (Impact Factor: 1.620)
More detailed CFP:
13 matches
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