[UAI] POst-Doc position available

2013-01-05 Thread Reed Ferber
I would be pleased if you could please post this announcement on your list-serve. Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Applications are invited for a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship with Dr. Reed Ferber, Director of the Running Injury Clinic in the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Ca

[UAI] Call for Nominations: ICAPS Awards: Influential Paper, Best Dissertation

2013-01-05 Thread Dana Nau
Call for Nominations: ICAPS Influential Paper Award This award honors the authors of a significant and influential paper in any area of automated planning and scheduling. It will be given during the ICAPS conference. Papers that qualify for the award are those published in one of the ICAPS fam

[UAI] Final Call for Papers: The 2013 International Workshop on Behavior and Social Informatics (BSI2013)

2013-01-05 Thread tulip li
* Apologies if you received multiple copies of this announcement. * Kindly forward to those who may be interested. Thanks. BSI2013: Call for Papers (Due on January 06, 2013) ===

[UAI] Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Read positions in Knowledge and Data Enginerring at Queen's University Belfast

2013-01-05 Thread Weiru Liu
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Computer Science Queen's University Belfast -School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Ref: 12/102363 First phase recruitment deadline is: 12 January 2013 More details and on-line application link are available via http://www.jobs.ac.u

[UAI] ECML/PKDD 2013 : Call for Discovery Challenges

2013-01-05 Thread ECMLPKDD2013
[ please distribute - apologies for multiple postings ] We are calling for proposals for 15th Discovery Challenge, organized in conjunction with ECMLPKDD 2013, the premier Machine Learning and Data Mining venue in Europe taking place in Prague, Czech Republic, September 23th to 27th, 2013. Di

[UAI] ICAIL 2013 - third call for papers and demonstrations

2013-01-05 Thread Bart Verheij
14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Law (ICAIL 2013) June 10 - June 14, 2013 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council of Italy) Rome, Italy http://icail2013.ittig.cnr.it Sponsored by: The International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (IA