--Sorry for multiple postings --
*** New extended deadline: June 10, 2012 ***
ECAI 2012 Workshop WL4AI
Weighted Logics for AI: logic, uncertain beliefs, preferences, partial truth
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computer Vision and Psychology
Departments of Psychology and Computer Science, Stanford University
PIs: Michael C. Frank (Psych) and Fei-Fei Li (CS)
Analysis of human behavior from video data is an emerging topic in
computer vision as well as in developmental and cogni
13th International Workshop on Computational
Logic in Multi-Agent Systems [CLIMA XIII]
with special sessions on:
* Logics for Multi-Agent Programming
* Logics for Agreeme
Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM2012) Workshop
Granada, Spain, 19-21 September 2012 (http://leo.ugr.es/pgm2012)
*Final call for papers:*
The aim of the workshop is to bring together people interested in
probabilistic graphical models
and provide a forum for discussion of the latest research