[UAI] MPREF 2012: Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (at ECAI 2012)

2012-03-03 Thread Paolo Viappiani
M-PREF12: CALL FOR PAPERS 6th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling August 27 or 28, 2012, Montpellier, France, in conjunction with ECAI 2012 Workshop websit

[UAI] EC 2012: Call for Posters

2012-03-03 Thread David Parkes
The EC community publishes in a wide variety of conferences and journals other than the EC conference itself. This year, EC will include a poster session for the presentation of results published in such venues. Any relevant work is eligible if it was published in or accepted by a conference or jo

[UAI] CFP: 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Biomedicine (AIAB 2012)

2012-03-03 Thread Harris Papadopoulos
Apologies if you receive this CFP more than once. === 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Biomedicine (AIAB 2012) to be held in conjunction with the 8th IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence A

[UAI] Collective Intelligence 2012 @ MIT

2012-03-03 Thread Cynthia Rudin
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Collective Intelligence 2012 MIT, Cambridge, MA April 18-20, 2012 www.ci2012.org Deadline for early registration: March 13, 2012.

[UAI] CFP: Workshop on recent advances in behavior prediction and pro-active pervasive

2012-03-03 Thread Brian Ziebart
== CALL FOR PAPERS Workshop on recent advances in behavior prediction and pro-active pervasive computing (AwareCast) (http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/dus/Awarecast/) in conjunction with the 10th International Conference on Pervasive Comp

[UAI] Bayesian Analysis - March 2012 Issue

2012-03-03 Thread Heidi Sestrich
-- Heidi Sestrich Department of Statistics Carnegie Mellon University 412-268-2718 A new issue of the new electronic journal BAYESIAN ANALYSIS has been published at http://ba.stat.cmu.edu. This issue of BA features a paper on theoretical aspects of Bayesian prediction by Alessio Sancetta. Und