[UAI] UAI 2011 Call for Participation

2011-06-17 Thread Avi Pfeffer
UAI 2011 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION The 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2011) will be located in Barcelona, Spain, on July 14-17, 2011. Sessions will be held at the Campus Roger de Lluria

[UAI] Postdoctoral position in UCLA on probabilistic forst-order representation and inference

2011-06-17 Thread Amir, Eyal
This email is sent on behalf of the PI and co-PI. Position: Postdoctoral Associate at UCLA Primary Advisors: Song Chun Zhu (PI), Sinisa Todorovic (Co-PI) Duration: minimum 18 months We are looking for an ambitious and enthusiastic postdoc with strong background in statistical relational models

[UAI] CFP: ACM RecSys 2011 Challenge on Context-aware Movie Recommendation - CAMRa2011

2011-06-17 Thread Alan Said
CALL FOR PAPERS AND PARTICIPATION CAMRa2011 :: Challenge on Context-aware Movie Recommendation in conjunction with the 2011 ACM Recommender Systems Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, October 23-27, 2011 URL: http://www.camrachallenge.com General Information: Following the success of CAMRa2010, we are

[UAI] UnBBayes Core 4.10.4 + MEBN Plugin 1.11.9 Release!

2011-06-17 Thread Rommel Carvalho
Hi all, I do not usually send announcements of UnBBayes open-source software in this list, but since we have a new major relase with lots of improvements in both GUI and functionality related to BN networks and Muilt-Entity Bayesian Networks, I decided to let you know. It is not my intention to s

[UAI] Three PhD STUDENTSHIPS: Advanced Bayesian Computation for Cross-Disciplinary Research

2011-06-17 Thread Zoubin Ghahramani
PhD studentships Universities of Warwick, Kent, and Cambridge Starting September/October, 2011 We are looking for three PhD students to join our interdisciplinary team. These studentships are fully funded (for UK or EU candidates) for 3.5 years as part of an EPSRC project on Advanced Bayesi