[UAI] CFP: Desktop Search Workshop at SIGIR 2010

2010-04-05 Thread Liadh Kelly
*Apologies if you receive this call more than once. Please feel free to forward to other interested parties.* Call for papers a SIGIR 2010 workshop on Desktop Search (Understanding, Supporting and Evaluating Personal Data Search)**, July 23, Geneva, Switzerland (*http://www.cdvp.dcu.ie/DS201

[UAI] ECML PKDD 2010 INDUSTRIAL SESSION - Call For Participation

2010-04-05 Thread Ricard Gavaldà
ECML PKDD 2010 INDUSTRIAL SESSION - Call For Participation The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases September 24, 2010 Barcelona, Spain http://www.ecmlpkdd2010.org/ ===

[UAI] Funding opportunity - Foundational Questions

2010-04-05 Thread S Barry Cooper
___ Foundational Questions in the Mathematical Sciences There is a grant opportunity in: A) foundations of: mathematics, mathematical sciences, computer science; B) artificial intelligence; C) closely related fields. The Jo

[UAI] Amir Pnueli Memorial Symposium - May 7-9, 2010

2010-04-05 Thread MYV
=== Amir Pnueli Memorial Symposium New York University New York, New York, USA May 7-9, 2010

[UAI] ICLP-10 Doctoral Consortium Call For Papers

2010-04-05 Thread iclp10dc
=== CALL FOR PAPERS ICLP-DC 2010 Sixth ICLP Doctoral Student Consortium http://www.kodak.com/go/iclp10dc C

[UAI] 4th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM`2010)

2010-04-05 Thread Bi Yaxin
The deadline of submissions has been extended [please accept our apologies for cross-posting] == 4th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM`2010) 1-3 Septembe

[UAI] ACM SIGIR 2010: Call for Industry Track Papers (Deadline extended!)

2010-04-05 Thread SIGIR 2010 Announcements
Call for Industry Track Papers The 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference 19-23 July 2010, Geneva, Switzerland http://www.sigir2010.org Industry Track Co-organized by David Harper (Google, Switzerland) and Peter Schäuble (Eurospider, Switzerland) Following the success of the SIGIR 2007 Industry Even

[UAI] UAI 2010 Approximate Inference Evaluation - Preliminary Call for Participation

2010-04-05 Thread Amir Globerson
Apologies for multiple postings. = PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE 2010 UAI APPROXIMATE INFERENCE EVALUATION = We are pleased to announce an upcoming evaluation of probabilistic inference algorithms, as part

[UAI] Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Machine Learning

2010-04-05 Thread milos
* Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Machine Learning University of Pittsburgh We seek applications to fill a postdoctoral researcher position in the area of statistical machine learning and its application in medicine. The selected applicant will join our interdisciplinary