[UAI] Postdoc, Visiting Scholar and Student Researcher positions in Soft Computing

2009-09-19 Thread Lotfi A. Zadeh
Postdoc, Visiting Scholar and Student Researcher positions in Soft Computing are available through the BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing) Program at UC Berkeley. Applicants are expected to have their own sources of support. Please address inquiries to Professor L. A. Zadeh with Cc

[UAI] NIPS 2009 Workshop on Applications of Topic Models: Text and Beyond CFP

2009-09-19 Thread Jordan Boyd-Graber
-- Call for Contributions and Participation NIPS 2009 Workshop on Applications of Topic Models: Text and Beyond December 11 or 12, 2009 http://nips2009.topicmodels.net Submission Deadline: Friday October 23, 2009