Dear all,
This is just a gentle reminder that the deadline for papers submission
to the Seventh European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2009) is
Abstracts September 14th
Full papers -- September 18th
You can find the CfP with the instructions for the submission in
[Apologies for duplicate postings]
Special Issue on Personalization in e-Health
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction:
The Journal of Personalization Research
(An international journal published by Springer Verlag)
Call For Papers: Machine Learning Journal Special Issue
Empirical Evaluations in Reinforcement Learning
Submission Deadline: February 26, 2010
Guest Editors: Shimon Whiteson and Michael Littman
The continuing development of a field requires a healthy exchange
between theoretical advances and exp
The Intelligent Systems Laboratory (ISL) in the Department of Electrical,
Computer, and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in
Troy, NY is seeking a post-doctorate associate with background and expertise in
probabilistic graphical models including Bayesian Networks, H
[Sorry if you get multiple copies of this message]
Workshop on the Theory on Belief Functions
Brest, France, April 1-2, 2010
The theory of b
[apologies for cross-posting]
19th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
September 19-23, 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece
This is the last call for participating at ICAPS-2009. This year's program
- 4
Call for contributions
New Problems and Methods in Computational Biology
A workshop at the Twenty-Third Annual Conference on
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2009)
Whistler, BC, Canada, December 11 or 12,