We are very pleased to announce the ACM International Conference on
Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI09) - Sanibel Island, Florida, USA;
8-11 February 2009
IUI 2009 is the annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces community
and serves as the principal international forum for reporting
There is a vacancy for a post-doctoral researcher in the Maguire Memory
Lab at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, Institute of
Neurology, University College London, London, UK:
*Post-doctoral Research Associate: Decoding Memories from fMRI Signals
*A Wellcome Trust funded Post-docto
--- please distribute as wide as possible, apologies for cross posting ---
8-19 September 2008
University of Kent, UK
8-9 September: 2 days of tutorials on causality, probability and their use
in science.
We seek highly skilled and enthusiastic scholars for our newly
established Graduate School.
We offer 37 interdisciplinary PhD positions in the fields of
Neuroengineering, Navigation and Robotics and Computing in Structural
and Cell Biology
Supervision by leading scientists
State-of-the-art rese
We apologize if you received multiple copies of this Call for Papers.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.
The Graduate School of Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences (funded
by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG, and the German Government
within the German university excellence program) at University of
Luebeck is now offering the position of a
*Post-Doctoral Fellow
Funding period is 2 yea
We apologize for multiple copies of this Call.
Call for Papers
The Seventh International Workshop
on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems