[UAI] Call for Site Proposals for ICML 2009

2007-12-16 Thread Thomas G. Dietterich
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING 2009 CALL FOR SITE PROPOSALS In the summer of 2009, the International Conference on Machine Learning will be held. The purpose of this call is to invite groups interested in hosting

[UAI] UAI call for papers

2007-12-16 Thread David McAllester
UAI 2008 24th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence July 9th - July 12th, 2008 Helsinki, Finland http://uai2008.cs.helsinki.fi/ =

[UAI] CfP Canadian Conference for Artificial Intelligence, AI 2008

2007-12-16 Thread bergler
21st CANADIAN AI --- AI for the 21st Century http://cs.uwindsor.ca/AI08 FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS AI'08, the twenty-first Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, invites papers that present original work in all areas of Artificial Intelligence. In particular, papers that successfully a

[UAI] CFP - ArgMAS 2008: Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems

2007-12-16 Thread Iyad Rahwan
Apologies for multiple postings. --- -- ArgMAS 2008 --- Fifth International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2008) Estoril, Portugal, May 12 or 13, 2008 In Conjunc