[UAI] TTI-Chicago is admitting PhD Students

2007-02-27 Thread Nathan Srebro
TTI-Chicago is an independent philanthropically endowed academic computer science institute located on the University of Chicago campus with an emphasis on machine learning, theory and programming languages. We are now recruiting students for our Ph.D. program. This is a small program, currently w

[UAI] [SMC 2007] CFP Reminder and Deadline Extension (3/16)

2007-02-27 Thread Michel Desmarais
2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2007) Based on numerous requests from paper authors, the deadline for full paper submissions has been extended from March 1, 2007 to March 16, 2007. -

[UAI] [asmda] Special session ASMDA'07 : Extended deadline

2007-02-27 Thread Olivier Teytaud
Dear Colleagues, Due to many requests, the deadline to submit a paper to the special session "Supervised Prediction with Neural Networks and SVMs" : http://www.loria.fr/~guermeur/ASMDA_CFP.html of the ASMDA'07 international conference is extended to March, 1st 2007. Best regards,

[UAI] BIC-TA 2007 Call for Paper

2007-02-27 Thread bicta2007
Dear colleague, We cordially invite you to attend the 2007 International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2007), which will be held on September 14�C17, 2007 in Zhengzhou Henan Province, China. The conference is organized by the Peking University, the Zheng

Re: [UAI] Where to draw the line--the problem of binarization

2007-02-27 Thread Peter Tillers
Dear Lotfi & Other Colleagues, Lotfi, thank you for your kind words. Many years ago a wise friend told me that flattery is never insincere. In that spirit, I accept your compliments. But, my dear colleagues, I am emboldened by Lotfi's words to offer a suggestion: Study of the legal appl

[UAI] CFP: Second Workshop on Prediction Markets, June 2007

2007-02-27 Thread David Pennock
-- Call for Papers and Call for Participation Second Workshop on Prediction Markets http://betforgood.com/events/pm2007/index.html June 11 OR June 12, 2007 (to be finalized)

[UAI] MLMTA'07 - Extented Deadline

2007-02-27 Thread matthias
# CALL FOR PAPERS # MLMTA'07 - The 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning: Models, Technologies & Applications Monte Carlo Resort, L

[UAI] Where to draw the line--the problem of binarization

2007-02-27 Thread Jonathan Lawry
Dear Lotfi Thanks for your interesting and thought provoking posting. In my view the issue of drawing boundaries for fuzzy concepts is of fundamental importance to understanding the use of such concepts in natural language. In particular, I would make the following observation. As part of everyday

Re: [UAI] Where to draw the line--the problem of binarization

2007-02-27 Thread Lotfi A. Zadeh
Dear all, The AI community and I, personally, owe Professor Tillers an expression of appreciation for his erudite, authoritative and insightful comment on the problem of "Where to drawn the line"--a problem which plays a particular important role in the realm of law and legal reasoning. Pr

[UAI] Internship available at Siemens Medical Solutions USA

2007-02-27 Thread Yu, Shipeng (MED US)
*Apologies for cross posting. Please forward to interested people* The Computer-Aided Diagnosis Group at Siemens Medical Solutions USA is looking for summer interns. We are specifically interested in motivated Ph.D. students in diverse areas of machine learning, data mining and natural language p

[UAI] Professorship in Informatics

2007-02-27 Thread Iyad Rahwan
Apologies for multiple postings. -- THE BRITISH UNIVERSITY IN DUBAI PROFESSOR IN THE INSTITUTE OF INFORMATICS Post no: Academic B / 2 -- The British University in Dubai seeks to appoint a Professor in the Institute

[UAI] UAI 2007 Call for Papers - Deadline Approaching!

2007-02-27 Thread Ronald Parr
== UAI 2007 23rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence July 19th - July 22th, 2007 Vancouver BC, Canada

[UAI] ICML07 Call for Workshop Proposals - Deadline extended!

2007-02-27 Thread icml-publicity
- ICML07 Call for Workshop Proposals Deadline extended!! Proposal Due Date: March 5 2007 Acceptance notification: March 12 2007 - The ICML-2007 O

[UAI] ICML07 Call for Tutorial Proposals - Deadline extended

2007-02-27 Thread icml-publicity
- ICML07 Call for Tutorial Proposals Deadline extended!! Tutorial proposals due: March 5, 2007 Acceptance notification: March 12, 2007 - The ICML

[UAI] Final CFP: 23rd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2007)

2007-02-27 Thread ICLP07 publicity
(apologies for cross-posting) Final Call for Papers 23rd International Conference on Logic Programming ICLP 2007 Porto, Portugal, September 8-13, 2007 http://www.dcc.fc.up.pt/iclp07/ Conference

[UAI] [CausalBlog] Causal Analysis in Theory and Practice

2007-02-27 Thread William Hsu
CAUSAL ANALYSIS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE: A new blog on Causality --- The UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, in partnership with the Medical Imaging Informatics Group at the University of California, Los Angeles, invites you to participat

[UAI] IICAI-07 Call for papers

2007-02-27 Thread Bhanu Prasad
www.iiconference.org The *3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-07)* (website: http://www.iiconference.org ) will be held in Pune, INDIA during December 17-19 2007. IICAI-07 is one of the major AI events in the world. This conference focuses on all areas of AI

[UAI] CFP - International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM-2007)

2007-02-27 Thread Andrea Pugliese
Call for Papers International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM-2007) Oct 10-12, 2007 Washington DC area http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/conferences/sum2007/ There is now intense interest in both the Artificial Intelligence community and in the Database community on managing uncertai


2007-02-27 Thread Adi Botea
[Apologies for cross postings] CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS The International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling ICAPS 2007 Providence, Rhode Island, USA September 22--26, 2007

[UAI] Postdoc in machine learning and bioinformatics, Helsinki

2007-02-27 Thread Samuel Kaski
Postdoctoral research position in machine learning and bioinformatics Adaptive Informatics Research Centre and Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland We are looking for a postdoc for a new project on modeling of biological networks, and

[UAI] Last call for KDD-07 papers

2007-02-27 Thread Mary Crissey
KDD-2007 CALL FOR RESEARCH PAPERS Abstracts due: February 23, 2007 The ACM SIGKDD conference has established itself as the premier international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining. To continue with this tradition, the thirteenth ACM SIGKDD conference (KDD-07) will provide a forum